The Kitchen Sink

What’s in a name? Actually more than you think and the Kitchen Sink bears testimony to this. How did the wine get its name? The phrase "Everything but the Kitchen Sink" is thought to have originated during World War II when all things metal, including household items, were donated to the war effort to be melted down and converted into helmets and weapons. The only objects left out were porcelain sinks. The phrase has since become a modern day maxim for herculean efforts. We go to a lot of effort to seek out and source grapes from all corners of the Cape of Good Hope. We get a thrill from taking the road less travelled and going beyond the next hill to discover an obscure vineyard. And sometimes we’ve been lucky enough to stumble upon undiscovered gems which have truly blown us away. Before we go any further, lets just be clear on one thing; Wine should be fun, at least we think so. During harvest time we laugh a lot and do a lot of whacky things, we drink craft beer to keep cool and listen to Bob Dylan to help navigate the day. And when the cellar fills up we’ve been known to ferment grapes in pretty much anything that is water-tight. Tubs, bins, clay pots and yes you guessed it… sinks!

The Kitchen Sink
The Kitchen Sink Red 2016
Article code KITCHENRED15
* €18,95 * SRP
in stock
The palate is full bodied and pure with subtle notes of blood orange, incense and tree bark all neatly wound by a fresh acidity and ripe supple tannins.
The Kitchen Sink
The Kitchen Sink Red 2016
The palate is full bodied and pure with subtle notes of blood orange, incense and tree bark all neatly wound by a fresh acidity and ripe supple tannins.
Unit price: €25,27 / Liter
The Kitchen Sink
The Kitchen Sink White 2019
Article code KITCHENWHITE17
* €17,95 * SRP
in stock
The bright yellow fruit follows through on the palate which is marked by a rich texture and a soft, balanced acidity.
The Kitchen Sink
The Kitchen Sink White 2019
The bright yellow fruit follows through on the palate which is marked by a rich texture and a soft, balanced acidity.
Unit price: €23,93 / Liter